The Hannover Messe 2019 as an indicator for JÜKE’s services.
The Hannover Messe has always been a showcase for the near and somewhat more distant future of industry and in the world of digitisation. In addition, it has always been an indicator of the acceptance and sustainability of our own technical solutions. JÜKE was one of around 6,500 exhibitors from 75 countries. This again clearly shows that internationality and thinking in global markets are a matter of course. The approximately 215,000 visitors from all over the world also bear witness to this.
JÜKE Systemtechnik made a good impression this time with a highly regarded trade fair stand in the Industrial Supply environment in Hall 4. The number of serious customer contacts has increased this year, even though it is always difficult to draw attention to us with our services for potential customers from medical technology as well as analysis and laboratory technology at the Hannover Messe. In the many discussions it became clear that we understand the needs and requirements of our customers. JÜKE apparently succeeded consistently to give the customers a competitive advantage in the market with the devices and technical solutions developed and produced by us. It is important and its count that we are regularly involved in research and development projects. The close cooperation with research institutes gives us fast access to state-of-the-art technologies, which we can incorporate into our customer projects.
In the discussions, current topics such as the digitization of processes, IoT, autonomous and robot-supported processes or man-machine workplaces in the laboratory are becoming increasingly important. It has always been convincing for our customers that we already have good experiences from successfully implemented projects and that we have solutions for topics such as data analysis, the development of evaluation algorithms, interfaces, protocols and security. Customers are also looking for process engineering solutions in the field of fluidics and a wide variety of aspects of industrial automation.
Another central topic of discussion at our booth at the Hannover Messe was industrial supply and the assumption of responsibility for supply chain management. Here, too, we were able to convince with our diverse experience and the customer-specific nature of our services in purchasing, logistics and production.
After the successful trade fair days in Hanover, the decision to return to the Hannover Messe in 2020 was quickly made: JÜKE will be back again!

Digitisation, Embedded Systems
(Pictures: Deutsche Messe AG, JÜKE Systemtechnik GmbH)